Today, I am thankful for YOU! You've supported SOG from the very beginning! From being the 1st person to place your order, to placing multiple orders! You've purchased subscription Gratitude Boxes and have referred Space of Gratitude to friends. You've trusted us to create custom apparel and websites. You asked us to showcase our products in pop-ups and posted Instagram photos posing with our products. You have provided feedback to improve our business processes and been patient with shipping and replacement of orders. We enjoy sharing our " Out of the Spa into the Spa retail space" virtually with you!! We want you to continue to be at peace and harmony when you shop our site. We will commit to continuing to provide quality in our service delivery. This is just the beginning of Space of Gratitude and we are so glad that you are apart of our "tribe". May you continue to Create a Lifestyle of Gratitude ! With Gratitude, Natalie